Advice and information on obtaining your Work Permit, whether that be a Temporary Work Permit or a Work Permit Grant.
Firstly, it’s important to stress that all companies in the Cayman Islands have a requirement to ascertain whether a Caymanian or resident of the Cayman Islands can fill any new positions available. Affinity Recruitment has a database of local Caymanian professionals and through our Cayman Professionals First programme, we seek to hire locally whenever possible, saving time, expense and supporting the local work force. If we cannot find suitable local talent, then immigration becomes an intrinsic part of the recruitment process.
All non-residents who plan to live and work in the Cayman Islands need a Work Permit unless the role is working directly for The Cayman Islands Government. The Work Permit application process endeavours to justify that the applicant is the appropriate person to take up the role, with the right qualifications and experience. You will be asked to provide documentation to support your application, therefore.
Prior to an employee arriving in the Cayman Islands, the prospective employer will apply to the Cayman Islands Government Department of Workforce Opportunities and Residency Cayman (WORC), formerly the Cayman Islands Immigration Department for a work permit, on the employee’s behalf. The WORC reviews all applications from companies and individuals who are seeking permission to work in the Cayman Islands. It is necessary for an expatriate worker to provide the employer with certain documentation to be included in the application including a medical and police clearance certification, but it is the financial obligation of the employer to pay for all work permit and immigration related fees. It’s important to note that a prospective employee may not reside in the Cayman Islands before the application is submitted.
Work permits come in various forms, including temporary, seasonal and a yearly permit, which is generally awarded from 1 to 3 years at a time. Affinity will be able to advise candidates which type of permit will be applicable for the role they are applying for. Please see our FAQ pages about some of the requirements to be completed when applying for a permit and more information about dependents such as spouses or children moving to the Cayman Islands with you.
Through extensive successful work on behalf of our clients, Affinity has a good grasp of the technical issues, operating methods and process work-flows of WORC. Frequent changes and refinements within the Immigration Laws means “getting it right the first time” involves keeping up with the changes in the process and making sure all the right documentation is submitted. Affinity Recruitment can undertake all necessary administration and processing on your behalf, to ensure the timely and accurate completion of all required employee work permits. From working with the applicant to gather the necessary documentation, to obtaining the necessary work permit stamp upon permit approval, we are well versed in the details and requirements of the various different work permits and job categories. Management of this process is one of our most popular services, as we manage the entire process, reducing the stress for the client and candidate.
Relocating can be an exciting opportunity and a chance to experience a new lifestyle. If you are looking for a Cayman job, Affinity will help you navigate the complexities of taking such a step, so that if and when you decide to move to the Cayman Islands, you are well advised and prepared.